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Wednesday, March 09, 2011

My love,

Time passes so fast. The 3 years that we shared together are now nothing more than a faded memory. Thank you for blessing me during those wonderful 3 years. I will always look back upon those times with a smile in my heart and treasure what we once shared.

Congratulations on finding someone new. I hope that he would be able to give you that which I could not.

Please take good care of yourself.


Sunday, May 09, 2010


I'll be heading over to the US for Work and Travel tmr morning! Flight is at 10.25am. Gonna be back only on 8th Aug. Weeeee!!

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Anyone noticed the recent articles of Jack Neo having affairs actually lacked the word "affair"? I found it puzzling why the local newspapers would use the word "tryst" instead of "affair" so I googled the meaning of that word.

Tryst (noun) - 1. an appointment to meet at a certain time and place; 2. an appointed meeting; 3. an appointed place of meeting.

So am I to assume to all Jack Neo did was arrange for meetings with Wendy Chong and Foyce Le Xuan? Hm.. Strange on the part of a so-called credible and reliable newspaper.

Next, did a little check on Jack Neo himself and guess what I found:

1) He is good friends with Foreign Minister George Yeo, who apparently is free enough to comment on Jack Neo's extramarital affairs and call for Singaporeans to rally behind him. Does this sound wrong? A government official is asking its citizens to support a man who has affairs.

2) In 2004, Jack Neo was honoured with a National Day Award, the Public Service Medal

3) In 2005, Jack Neo was presented with Singapore's Cultural Medallion.

Looks like the Straits Times is trying to play down the news of the affair because of Jack Neo's standing in society. This is really... disgusting. Straits Times really need to buck up on their professional standards.

An affair is an affair. Call it that and not by another other name.

Saturday, February 06, 2010

I got the call from Knight Frank today to inform me that I have been selected for the 2nd interview!

I totally do not know what to expect at all of a 2nd interview. What kind of questions do they ask? How many people will be interviewing me? Will I be interviewing solo or in a group? Do I have to take any tests?

So many questions; I don't know where to start. Anybody can point me in the right direction?

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Saturday night was pretty awesome. So much things to say but unfortunately they can't be made public. Suffice to say, Phuture actually was pretty fun that night. Haven't been to Zouk on a Sat night for the longest time. I'm almost always there only on Wed. Haha..

I just had an interview with Knight Frank this afternoon. Didn't really know what to expect though. I mean, I won't be finishing my studies till the end of the year and they are really only looking for people who grad in May this year. I did ask them this question during the interview and their response was something along the lines of wanting to take a look at me since I have indicated my interest to work with them. Pretty nice of them to allow me an interview even though they know I won't be available till end 2010.

The interview itself went pretty well, I reckon. At times, it felt like we were having a conversation as compared to a proper interview. We drifted off-topic a couple of times with them asking me whether I'll be getting married anytime soon and why girls are getting married at a later age these days, etc. They asked the usual interview questions like "Tell me what is your weakness" and "Which department would you like to work in and why" and "What do you think is the most important quality of a leader/manager". There was a couple of pretty interesting questions that they asked like "Name three classmates you admire and tell us why" and another question that involved telling a story about driving in the rain at night.

Overall, it is an experience. I have gone for interviews before but never for an actual job. The interviews that I have gone for previously were for internships and part-time work. This time, I was interviewing for a management trainee position.

I hope they do get back to me and tell me I got through the first round. *fingers crossed*

Friday, January 29, 2010

I'm in the middle of a really crazy week right now. Had RT sessions on Sun, Mon and Tues evenings which totally tire me out.

Tuesday morning, I had to head down to Speedwing's office to collect my documents for the US visa interview at the US embassy. Woke up at 7.30am to take the train down to Novena and then found out that it takes 1 hr 20 mins for me to travel from Bukit Panjang to Novena. End up, was running short on time and had to cab down to the US embassy. Once I was there, it was all wait and wait and wait. Spent a whole 2 and a half hours waiting for the whole process to end.

Wednesday evening was Weng's birthday celebration. Had lectures from 2pm to 6pm, a quick project discussion after that and had to rush down to Buona Vista MRT to meet a customer at 7pm. After that, had to rush to dinner with Weng, TRR and gang at Holland Village. Spent the night mambo-ing away. It was a terrific mambo session. Slept at 6am.

Today, woke up at 12pm to send an email to Knight Frank. I got an interview with them next week and they needed some documents submitted. Went to school for tutorial at 3pm then had to rush off to Butter Factory for SDE Bash. I now understand what the seniors were talking about when they said they felt "disconnected" with the freshies last year. I can feel it as well. We are year 3's and the gap is getting wider. I just reached home and it is now 2.30am. Gonna crash.

Lecture starts at 9am tomorrow. Have to head down to the US embassy again to collect the approved US visa and my passport in the afternoon.

Saturday, there is NUSSU Bash at the F1 Pit Building.

Somebody give me more time!!!

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Love is not an emotion.

Love is a committment. A committment is a decision.

Love is therefore a decision; made with the head, not with the heart.