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Monday, February 26, 2007

hey he's back.. but do we really want him back?

the steps leading up to me finally being able to write my entry is.. well unfamiliar. had to go through all the upgrading to google stuff. it's been pretty long since i last posted. like what about 4 months or so...

where'd i go, i hear you ask? well, nowhere really. i just got a little tired and lazy to blog. nothing much to write anyways. plus i don't really have a digital camera so any dreams of a picture blog would definately not materialize.

what's been happening since the new year? loads of stuff.. too much for me to even remember actually. i've got my license (still no car though), i managed to squeeze time inbetween doing nothing to lug my ass (which is getting flabbier and bigger) down to cdp to open my account and then up to the 12th floor to open my trading account. january saw me applying for 3 ipo's, getting only 1 of them (yay cityspring!) and now i'm holding on to 2 counters as investments. really getting into this stock market thing. but then again i don't know how long it can last. more precisely, how long my money can hold staying in the market before i eventually have to liquidate. not a sound investment path to go down i agree but where's a guy supposed to start right?

i'm still waiting for the confirmation letter from nus to arrive. really really hope that they get enough people to start the two special terms. it would mean so very much to me to actually graduate earlier. even just one semester would make a difference. otherwise, i'm looking at 27 before i start working.. and that's pretty late even for guy standards here in sg.

hm.. another working week ahead tomorrow.. wonder what the week ahead brings. g-ku's birthday is coming up this wednesday. gotta go shop around for a birthday gift soon.

alright it's getting late.. i'm signing off.

till next time.. i don't know when though...