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Saturday, July 01, 2006

A tribute to my grandma

If I'm gone when you wake up, please don't cry
And if I'm gone when you wake up, it's not goodbye
Don't look back at this time
As a time of heartbreak and distress.
Remember me, remember me.
'Cause I'll be with you in your dreams.
Oh, I'll be with you, Oh Oh

6 years ago, I lost someone. She was so dear and close to my heart that no other living person can ever fill the void she left. That person watched over me ever since the day I came into this world. She taught me things that no one else can ever teach me. She showed me the kind of love that no one else can ever show me.

If I'm gone when you wake up, please don't cry
And if I'm gone when you wake up, don't ask why
Don't look back at this time
As a time of heartbreak and distress
Remember me, remember me
'Cause I'll be with you in your dreams

She showed me unconditional love. Real unconditional love. She never expected anything in return for all that she showed and gave to me. She stood by me through the toughest of my growing years. She was with me during my weakest times.

Oh Oh
Don't cry, I'm with you
Don't cry, I'm by your side
Don't cry, I'm with you
Don't cry, I'm by your side

We shared many moments together. Both good and bad. I was always so sure that whatever happened, it would turn out alright in the end because she was around to see it through. She brought with her assurance into my heart and sheltered me from the harsh realities of the world when I was still too young to be exposed to them.

And though my flesh is gone, whoa
I will still be with you at all times.
And though my body's gone, oh
I'll be there to comfort you at all times.
Oh, oh.

When she left, many in my family knew that we had lost someone very important. She was our pillar of strength and many of us looked toward her for that special guidance that only she can give. It's been a long 6 years and many things have happened since then. But every now and then, when I find myself lost, I still think back about the things that she said and I find wisdom in her words and the strength to carry on.

'Cause if I'm gone when you wake up, please don't cry
And if I'm gone when you wake up, it's not goodbye
Don't look back at this time
As a time of heartbreak and distress
Remember me, remember me
'Cause I'll be with you,
I'll be with you in your dreams, oh
I'll be with you
Oh, I'll be with you in your dreams
I'll be with you, I'll be with you

I believe that she still lives on in me. That whenever I remember her teachings, she's speaking to me in her own special way. I hope that in the short time that I was blessed with to be able to spend with her, I managed to bring happiness into her life as well. I know that I'm not the perfect grandchild she wanted me to be, but I hope that I did enough to make her smile.

I don't want you to cry and weep. Oh, oh.
I want you to go on living your life.
I'm not sleeping an endless sleep. Oh, oh.
It's in your heart you'll have all of our good times
Oh,oh, all of our good times, Oh, oh..... you have.

I'll be attending her memorial tomorrow. I wished that she was still here to guide me through the rest of my life. But I know that I would someday have to stand on my own two feet eventually. She has been called back to be with the Lord and I pray that she finds peace and happiness where she is right now. Mama, I will always love you...

'Cause if I'm gone when you wake up, please don't cry.
And if I'm gone when you wake up, it's not goodbye
Don't look back at this time
As a time of heartbreak and distress.
Remember me, remember me.
'Cause I'll be with you in your dreams.
I'll be with you in your dreams
I'll be with you
I'll be with you
I'll be with you in your dreams
I'll be with you in your dreams...

Hanson - With You In Your Dreams


l_arc_sky said...

How i wish i hav sure a nice grandmom to grow up wif me too .. I noe it will bring back sad memories for u, however i hope tis is not the case cause i think ur grandma tat love u so much will hate to see u in this way everytime.I really hope tat live happily n focus on ur career and love life Bro

Anonymous said...

DIdn't I told you I'm not toking to you anymore. U can go tok to her instead.

Anonymous said...

g, i don noe wat happened but i don wan u feeling down. :> no matter wat happened i will always be here for u. u noe wer cn find me...

Anonymous said...

This is very interesting site... »