I'm having a hair problem right now.
Granted, I ain't as good looking as he is but I've always found his long hair very nice, especially the whole image from the This Time Around album era (great album by the way).
But seeing as I don't have a personal hair stylist walking around with me, it seems pretty hard to keep my hair as curvy and voluminous as it needs to look good. Not to mention keeping it in place everytime the wind blows.
The last thing I want to do is to have the 1960's Beetles hairstyle that so many young boys are sporting these days. That is soooo passe.. Like 40 years ago.
So, I'm going to the hairdresser to see what I can do with my hair tmr. I've been toying with the idea of perming the hair but the Google search results for "men's perm hair" ain't encouraging.
Alternatively, I can always opt for the usual standard short hair, which is pretty boring since I've had it for like 5 years. Mark McGrath is the standard to aim for with short hair.
Again, the whole image with the goatee and everything counts as well I guess.
What to do.. What to do.. I'll just see how tmr la.
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