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Sunday, August 21, 2005

down south

jus came back from wala wala. went to catch the unexpected there again tonight but.. the ladies didnt want to stay after the 1st set cos there was no seats! i had arranged for everyone to meet up specifically becos i wanted to catch the band. so we met up wid shimin, who had jus touched down half an hr before, and went to makan at the hor fun place instead. after dat we went to this place in alexandria called villa fungipani or something like dat. the place was nice, ambience was fantastic. had a sort of village outdoor setting. it was dark and there was a huge fan blowing directly at me which actually made me wana sleep. we ordered wine and caught up wid each other. its been such a long time since i met up wid them and seeing them again really felt good. i dunno why but whenever i meet up with my poly frens, i always feel so carefree like there's nothing in the world bothering me.

well the missus moved down to spore earlier in the week. finally moved after months of delibration and comtemplating. midweek she felt really home sick and was quite depressed. i jus wana tell her that its gonna be like this at the beginning. this is cos it takes time to get used to staying wid frens instead of family. things will get better as time goes by. also wana let her noe that she's not alone in spore. all her frens are here wid her and we'll always be there whenever u need us. plus dun forget a familiar voice is only but a phone's call away.


Anonymous said...

don always knw how to say only
u sure u r always there whenever i need u???
i think u don ever understand me at all...
u don knw my feeling...
im not home sick actualli, instead it's tat things doesnt happen as wat i expected n it makes me feel realli regret for wat i hv done.
before i moved down u all keep asking me to come, but now where r u all while im always alone on this piece of land...
i don mind anything, don care anything;
but why always there r thousands of reasons come before me in ur heart?

bvqeblf said...

wen.. u jus moved down only so things are still not settled yet. give it some time and im sure it'll get better. things dun always go the way we wan them to but we have to make the best of wat life gives us. i noe sometimes im busy doing the things i need to do but other than dat i try to spend as much time as possible wid u.. give it some time and u'll see wat i mean.

Anonymous said...

how much time you wan???
I don hv so much time to wait for u to realise me.
n ull be going on course v soon...

bvqeblf said...

go on course i'll still be able to book out everyday. jus dat maybe have to stay back more often and might have to do duty also.