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Tuesday, August 30, 2005


damn photoshop guy developed the film instead of putting it to cd.. wat an IDIOT!!! somemore claim he told us already and film cannot transfer to cd, blah blah blah.. lame excuses. the outdated old man should go for a course to upgrade himself or something. somemore got the cheek to charge us $60++ for it... and dun provide photo album!! wat a complete ripoff.. now must go another shop to get it done. crapz..

in other news, i've officially ended my 2nd day at smi attending the intel spec course. bacially nothing but lectures these past 2 days.. but now's jus the easy part. starting next wk, the exercises will come and we might have to stay back late more often. still getting used to the new ppl and new system over there. cant wait to get back to scsc.. i only realised how luxurious that place really is after coming here. cant believe im back to eating cookhouse food again. i want my bread and teh peng...

4 wks remaining and counting down...


Anonymous said...

u can stil hv teh bing at SPICE ma bt nw shd change to Teh Cino rite . .Hehe

bvqeblf said...

heh heh i still miss teh peng more haha! yeah man.. can still look forward to our spize sessions on wkends! teh cino should have more milk.. dat time one too diluted already la.

bvqeblf said...

hey cock king i miss u too man.. dun leave for roc! trust me u gonna regret that place.. no where is better than scsc!! maybe except cmpb la but it doesnt matter.. dun leave scsc!

daigongen said...

Man I told ya! Nowhere is better than SCSC.

You can only realise that after leaving that place.

daigongen said...

Audit good life what... I'm serious

bvqeblf said...

haha yeah man.. jus sit there the whole day do nothing. shiok loh.