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Saturday, August 27, 2005

sound therapy

friday the 26th of august 2005.. ive been waiting for tis day for a pretty long time. why? cos electrico's performing at the esplanade! and wats more its the first time we had to pay to watch them. previous performances were mainly outdoors or in clubs.

i met up wid matthew, ernest and andrew to have dinner before the performace. then we headed to the recital studio at the esplanade to get the best seats. turns out they dun admit ppl until 2110 hrs. so we went to some shop selling movie collectibles and stuff to look ard. by the time we got back at 2111, a long queue had form. i cursed my bad luck tinking i should have waited instead of going off to see crap. but it was not so bad, we managed to get seats directly in front of the very pretty keyboardist. by that time, ernest's fren had joined us inside the studio.

the show started off wid amanda and william appearing. william proceeded to the drums to toggle some stuff on his mac while amanda picked up the mic and went into a beautiful rendition of her self-composed song. she sang in french. i didnt noe she could speak french. the rest of the band came out after the song and stared the acoustic set. the ambience was great.. lights flooded the stage changing from red to blue to orange depending on the mood of the song. plus the recital studio was considered quite small so there was a more personal feel towards the show. the acoustic set lasted about half an hour and then electrico switced to electric mode. daniel rocked the house down wid his silky guitar skills, william pounded on the drums, desmond was lookin oh-so-slick on the bass, amanda impressed with her skills... and beauty and david supplied the audience with vocals and laughs in between. familiar songs were heard and new ones were previewed. the songs for the 2nd album sounds exciting. absolutely cant wait for the album launch. the band came back wid an oasis cover during the encore before ending the show.

i went to chat wid amanda during the post-show session and asked her about the song she sang. she told me the song used sequences and would be on the 2nd album as well. took a photo wid her to cap the nite which will be posted on this blog as soon as i finish up the film. we went to a place called the wine company after dat to drink and chill.

oh yeah on the the way out of the esplanade, we saw roon's car. i tink she still has no idea who dat stalker guy is.. hahaha..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its you!!!!!!!!!!!!!