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Friday, August 05, 2005

wala wala

kicking back to some coldplay on the radio in the office on a friday nite is not exact a wet dream come true but it'll do nevertheless. its not i have any choice in the matter. found out only yesterday that im on duty today. apparently the duty roster in the office is not the updated version.

went to wala wala last nite wid a couple of my mates from scsc. the band that was playing yesterday came highly recommended by a friend of mine. and he could not be more right. the band's called the unexpected and i reckon they're gonna be quite a hit soon. the lead singer shirlene (i think dats her name.. didnt really catch it) has powerful vocals and i mean powerful. she has the whole alanis morissette feel to her singing which makes her oh so sexy. their drummer and guitarist is absolutely first-class. gotta go catch them perform again soon. by the way they're scheduled to perform at the esplanade on monday (8 aug) wid a special guest guitarist if any of u are interested. dun noe wat time thou.

the bravery's on at stadium green tonight and electrico's gonna be supporting them. instead of being there, im stuck here in college. ah well ill just take it as saf helping me save up some dough for my thailand trip next wk haha..

1 comment:

bvqeblf said...

i would if i could.. aint got a digital cam to take 'em pics man. haha..