Okay as promised, this is the first part of a three-part series for Cos Living!
For those not in the know, I'm doing a marketing project this semester. We're supposed to come up with a business plan for the project and my group came up with an idea similar to Bai Jia Le - you know, Home Decor Survivor? The one hosted by Bryan Wong? Anyway, the company is called Cos Living and we specialise in renovations of maximum effect and minimum cost and hassle. I don't want to bore you with the details so I'll skip the introduction to the company. If you really want to know, drop me a message and I'll tell ya.
So anyway, the pictures here are taken during our very first day down. We went there to basically look at the place, do up measurements and brainstorm for ideas on the renovations.
The living room
The door Doing up the measurements
Discussion on the renovations and new layout for the place
Coming up next! Cos Living Day 2! Watch out for it!!
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