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Saturday, March 01, 2008

Shocking Look Inside Chinese Fur Farms

A friend recently sent me a link to a video detailing what goes on behind the curtains in a Chinese fur farms.

The video simply disgusts me.

It is shocking to see how these people treat animals. Animals are living things capable of feelings and emotions. To see them being treated like this sends a chill of shame down my spine. Below is the embedded video but a word of caution, the video is extremely cruel so please be prepared.

Pledge to go fur-free at

You can visit the website where I got the video from here. It has a lot more information regarding the fur trade. If you feel strongly towards this unethical treatment of animals, please visit the site and spread the word to your friends. Also, do not support the fur trade and boycott the purchase of any kind of furs. Animals have paid with their lives to teach us these lessons.

PETA has also done an investigation into KFC suppliers detailing how they treat the chickens used in KFC. The chickens are subjected to extreme torture and very poor living conditions. Even the way they are slaughtered is extremely cruel. You can visit the website and view the video here.

It is shameful to see that this is the way humans treat their fellow living things. How can we even consider ourselves civilised if we can't even feel for another living thing and have the decency to treat them with proper respect?

Please do your part for the ethical treatment of animals. Again, please visit PETA for more information on how you can contribute to the cause.

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