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Wednesday, March 12, 2008


There's a recent craze which I've caught on. Check this site out.

That's right, it's MAHJONG!! Never thought I'd end up playing it. It's quite addictive I tell ya. I always had the image of my parents sitting down with relatives playing mahjong and whole night through and thought to myself, "Geez, that'll never happen to me". Well, I'm starting to appreciate why they do that now.

Anyway I've also bought a slew of books the past week. I'm starting to think books are my thing. Just like how girls like to buy bags or shoes, I like to buy books. Sounds like a real nerd I know. Books I bought: Vagabond 1 & 2 (by Takehiko Inoue), Trump: The Art of the Deal (by Donald Trump) and The Speed Reading Book (by Tony Buzan). I managed to get the Donald Trump book cheap at a second-hand bookstore in Bras Basah. Now, the challenge is to actually finish reading them!

I'll be able to lay my grubby hands on pictures of the Cos Living project soon. I'll upload them as soon as I do. Be prepared to be astonished! Meanwhile, look for me at You'll know my name when you see it. =)

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